Tokyo to Kyoto

Tokyo to Kyoto - Best and Cheapest way

The distance between Tokyo and Kyoto is approximately 286 miles (460 kilometers). The best way to travel is by taking the Shinkansen Bullet Train, while the cheapest option is to take the Night Bus. Kansai map

Shinkansen - The Best Way from Tokyo to Kyoto

You can board the Shinkansen at either Tokyo Station or Shinagawa Station and get off at Kyoto Station. If you have a JR Pass, you can ride the Hikari train for free, but riding the Nozomi train requires an additional fee.

Journey time2h 32m - 2h 39m2h 4m - 2h 14m
Fare13320 yen13320 yen
JR Pass acceptedYesAdditional 4,960 yen is required
You can use Japan Transit Planner to find more information

Buying Tickets: Due to the frequent train services, there’s no need for advance booking. You can purchase tickets on-site from self-service ticket machines or visit JR offices where staff can assist you in English.

Seat Reservation: The first three cars of the Shinkansen trains are usually non-reserved, with seats available on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, reservations are generally not needed.

Selected Video: Tokyo to Kyoto by Shinkansen ♢Ticket, Baggage, What to know about Shinkansen shin shin

Kyoto does not have an airport, so flying between Tokyo and Kyoto is not an option.

Night Bus - The Cheapest Way from Tokyo to Kyoto

Several companies operate night buses between Tokyo and Kyoto, with the most famous being Willer Express. Although night buses are not very comfortable, the fare is half the price of a Shinkansen ticket and saves one night’s accommodation cost, making them ideal for budget travelers.

From: Shin-Kiba Station, Tokyo Station, Tokyo Disneyland, etc.
To: Kyoto Station
Departure time: around 9:00 PM
Arrival time: around 6:00 AM next morning
Journey time: around 9 hours
Fare: 6000 yen - 9000 yen depending on the bus type
Reservation: Online reservation recommended
Selected Video: 8-Hour Travel on Japan’s Cheap Overnight Bus night bus